Challenge Starts on Monday, April 25th, 2022 at 1 PM Eastern

Learn How To Build Your Amazing

One-Of-A-Kind Brand That Attracts New Customers That Are Excited To

Buy From You!

The First-Ever 'Video Superstar Bootcamp' Starts On September 6th...

Registration For The Bootcamp Closes When The Timer Hits Zero

Let's Talk About Building A Brand.

You truly never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Branding is a huge deal in having a successful business.
For those that have a killer brand, especially now with social media, it is the link to generating more business for you.

However, if you haven't built an online brand or if your brand isn't continuously leveling up, it can be super frustrating and overwhelming to move forward in your business.

With all the information floating around out there, it's hard to know what to focus on to truly brand yourself and turn that into profits.

And I absolutely know this, because I've been there right with you.

Hi there, I'm Eileen Saltzgiver and I'm going to share with you how to finally generate attention by creating your very own online brand.  I'll be sharing exactly how I went from being completely unknown to creating a social media presence that is recognized, engaged with, responded to and interacted with ongoing with messages, questions, comments and people wanting information and help from me.

This is me when I first started network marketing all those years ago.  I was confused and overwhelmed and let's face it, the only thing that I was really taught was bugging everyone I already knew or talking to complete strangers in person!
That was totally not my thing!
I tend to be a bit of an introvert. The idea of hounding all of my family and friends or approaching people in public that I didn't know just didn't feel right to me.......
Plus, I really didn't know what I had to offer anyone other than someone else's products, so why would anyone want to talk to me about what I was selling, let alone buy from me or join my team?
I couldn't have been more wrong...........

Here is how it all began...

Friends of mine started their own business when I was in my 30's...............

The year was 2005. And back then there was no online anything.......

I watched my friends (husband and wife) build a business together and I was enthralled with the opportunities of freedom and choice it created in their life and for their young family.

My husband and I were busy working in our careers for many years after finishing graduate school and although I loved my profession, I felt a calling for wanting more in life than working 9-5 and living paycheck to paycheck.

So, my rational self thought, well, if they can start a business, then why can't I?

Oh my..........yes I just jumped!

And my first business was born..........a candle company, something I loved and still do to this day!

I poured everything into it.......time, money, tears and certainly my heart and soul.

However, 3 very important things were missing: money to sustain my business, knowledge on marketing myself and my ability to not to vomit when making candles because we were expanding our family and I constantly had morning sickness and physically couldn't tolerate the scents of my own candles........

So...........I was forced to close.

I was absolutely devastated and felt like such a failure.

I had people asking me all the time to keep making candles because they loved them and I just physically couldn't.

So I went back to my typical life with my 9-5, living paycheck to paycheck, kids and chaos and I was EXHAUSTED and definitely not my happiest.......

One day, a co-worker of mine who was normally as exhausted as I was, told me how energized she was finally feeling because of something new she was taking.........ohhhh did I need something like that in my life!

And that's when I was introduced to Network Marketing!

My goodness did I love the goodness did I hate what was attached to it.

Sign up ONLY 3 people and get your product for FREE! And to me that was a $250 savings per month, so I was on board to at least learn how and the nightmare began........

You know how it goes from here, make a list of 100 and talk to people in the ice cream aisle!

Easy peasy right?

Ummmmmm - No!

The only training I ever received was building a list of 100 and ways to spam everyone with the products I sold!

The culture was constant competition. I lost friends because of trying to sell to them. I had people I knew see me in public and literally walk the other way when they say me, heck I even had people screaming at me because they didn't like the sample I gave them - it was truly horrific!

I was out............nothing was worth going through that.......I'll just go back to feeling exhausted!

Then the UNTHINKABLE happened.

In 2019 my husband was suddenly diagnosed

with Multiple Sclerosis.

This is when I knew that the entrepreneurial spirit in my heart was calling stronger than ever to discover a way to provide for our family and anyone else who ever wanted a life without more worry than they needed!

I began to explore working with different companies and received the exact same kind of trainings as before, but I refused to let that be the answer to how to build a sustainable business!

I had to make this work because I knew we were looking at a very different future now!

And so my mission began towards discovering how to build a business that would last, no matter if a company shuts down or if you change companies or if you decide to pursue something different in your business.....

I found amazing mentors that took me under their wings.

I've invested tens of thousands of dollars into programs and courses.

I've worked with incredible coaches who have taught me the skills and strategies on building a sustainable business.

I continue to receive coaching ongoing and invest constantly in myself and my business to level up.

During my journey in the network marketing world, I discovered many things along the way and experienced awesome success doing it my way.

In the process I fell more in love with what the actual answer was to securing a sustainable business than I did with any product - building your own personal brand!

So I shifted course and combined my experience and education with personal branding and my background of over 20 years of training, which has been the best decision I have made!

I am doing what I love and because I believe in the value of sharing everything I know, I am able to provide that to you now!

I didn't start out building a brand, I started out wanting something different from life and then found myself fighting to be ready for a new life. 

Trust me...........not everyone around me truly believes in me.

You know, the traditional minds and the employee mind-set peeps.....I think they pretty much think I'm crazy and ask for explanations of what I do because they truly have no idea...and that's okay, they don't need to understand.

I had to learn that the only person's approval that I needed was my own!

I had to learn that other people's opinions of me was none of my business.

I had to learn that I wasn't going to be liked by everyone.

I had to learn that the higher I rose, the more I would be hated..........and loved.

It's all in what we give value to......that is our choice!

So this is where you begin thinking of your story and why you are here with me.........because I know it is fabulous and meaningful and filled with dreams of an amazing life!

I'm sooooo excited for you, because this is YOUR time!

Don't put off to tomorrow what you can begin today!

As my brand grew and as I shared more and more value, people began to reach out to me to ask me questions and wanted my help and guidance in building their it was time to put some things in place! One of which is available to you today!

All because I took a chance so many years ago to dare to dream of doing something different and completely out of the box for a better life....

All because I decided I wasn't going to let the sudden change of circumstances in our lives change our future for us......

All because I decided that I wanted to learn a better way to build a business than what I was being taught because it felt uncomfortable, unnatural and drove people away from what I had to offer......

All because I decided to invest in myself to learn everything I possibly could through courses, mentorship and coaching to provide elite level training to you to bring people into your own ecosystem......

All because I was willing to push far beyond my comfort zone, fail forward over and over and accept that I will always be a work in progress......

And now this is your chance!

1. to show up consistently online

2. to build a brand based on YOU

3. to deliver so much value your audience will be hooked

I have so much passion for busting through that comfort zone and running your business as your true self by building an amazing personal brand because I have experienced it work!

You can do this and the world must meet the real you because you are AMAZING!

So, if you're passionate about helping others and want your message to be heard by everyone and you'd like to attract more business this way, you will totally love my brand new training I have created for you!

This course is meant to give you everything you need to start bringing the right people towards you by creating a beautiful personal brand that you can be proud of and confidently show up every day without anything holding you back.

When you get done with this course, you will feel so comfortable showing up being the incredible YOU that you are and knowing that you have something amazing to share with everyone!  

Introducing The



Crash Course


May 15th - May 28th, 2023

Michelle will be LIVE every day at Noon Eastern for an hour or less each day.

Day One - Monday, September 6th - Camera Confidence

Day Two - Tuesday, September 7th - Tools To Film Like A Pro On A Small Budget

Day Three - Wednesday, September 8th - Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Film!

Day Four - Thursday, September 9th - Make Your Video & YouTube Channel Day

Day Five - Friday, September 10th - Editing On Your Computer 

I Take You By The Hand Personally For 14 Days And Show You How To Build Your Very Own Personal Brand That Attracts More Business

What will you learn inside the 14-Day Build-Your-Brand Crash Course?

Over the course of 14 Days, I will be showing you how to build your personal brand or level up your existing brand to create more impact online and get more eyes on you and what you offer!

You'll get instant access to the 14-Day Build-Your-Brand Crash Course FB Group!

The daily lives will begin on May 15th, 2023 and run through May 28th, 2023!

All daily trainings will be recorded and available to you in your membership area!

A daily lesson of the workbook will be sent out following each live training session.

I will be providing Pop-Up Sessions for extra help and guidance to make sure you are on track and have all of your questions answered!

Day One: Get Primed

I will show you how to get your current Facebook Profile or Business Page ready for changes so that you can begin building up and moving forward knowing that everything is top notch and in place to attract your ideal customers!

Day Two: Purpose Creates Progress

I am going to show you how your WHY plays a much bigger role in your business than you ever thought possible and how it will take you all the way through everything you do!

Day Three: Personal Real Estate

I am going to show you how to use your Facebook Profile or your Business Page as your own personal advertisement in a professional and classy way to attract people to you without looking like a commercial that people want to skip over!

Day Four: Capture Their Attention

I am going to show you how to make the perfect profile picture that will grab people's attention wanting to know who the heck you are and why is will create instant authority!

Day Five: Branding Brilliance

I am going to show you how to create your own Facebook Banner using Canva so you will be able to have a stunning billboard for all to see to begin positioning yourself as an authority in your area of brilliance!

Day Six: Being Human First

I will demonstrate how being human versus a salesy approach is the key to developing connections with others and why this will push your business further and faster!

Day Seven: Making An Impression

I will demonstrate how to actually interact with friends and followers to establish valuable connections that will create an impression to make them remember you for when they might be ready to make that move!

Day Eight: Give Tickets Wisely

As your Facebook friends and followers grow, you will need to learn how to choose wisely to build your business using Facebook as a tool and not solely as a social media platform!

Day Nine: Value Never Fails

We will discuss value over products and services and how placing your time and energy into developing value for your audience will bring people closer to you!

Day Ten: Percentages Speak Volumes

There is a right way and a wrong way to promote your products and services. I will review the winning strategy on how to keep you audience engaged in your content and being open to when you are promoting!

Day Eleven: Rock Your Colors

I will walk you through how powerful organized color can be for your business and show you in Canva how to put together a magnetic branding board personalized to you!

Day Twelve: Logo Magic

I will show you how much impact a logo can have on your business and take you on a Canva adventure on creating your own!

Day Thirteen: Brand Consistency

I will show you how to pull it all together to present a consistent brand so when people see what you are posting, they know it's you!

Day Fourteen: Showing Up Strong

I will discuss how to show up in your business and the strength and power of the compound effect. This is what will light your business on growth fire!

Bonus: Speeding It Up

In this video, I will be discussing strategies on how to speed up the process after you have Days 1-14 in place!

Bonus:  Free Coaching

As you are working through this course, I know some questions might come up.  I will be popping into the group LIVE to provide answers to some of the questions that you ask in the Q&A post area!

So, if you've really wanted someone to break down how to build a brand step-by-step in a very simple way.........I got you my friend!

This course was made for you!

  It’s time to level-up. 

  It’s time to impact the lives you touch.

  It’s time to build an amazing brand based on YOU.

  It’s time others start moving towards you for all that you can do to help them.

  It’s your time.  Make it happen.

What You Will Receive!

14 Days of Live Training with Eileen Saltzgiver Value $2,497

Printable Build-Your-Brand 14 Day Crash Course Workbook Value $197

Access to the Private Build-Your-Brand 14 Day Crash Course Community Value $97

Bonus: Video Training - Speeding It Up Value $147

Bonus: Live Q&A Value $197

Total Value $3,135

Normal Price $197

Today Only $47

Here's What My Incredible Amazing Awesome Audience So Graciously and Kindly Said About The Help and Value I Have Provided To Them..............

As if that isn’t enough, I’m throwing in the chance to win some awesome prizes!

2nd Prize

Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Value $129

1st Prize

Lifetime Access To
Massive Movement Makers

Value $1,997

3rd Prize

Customized Unicorn Mug And Coaster

Value $59

1st Prize

Lifetime Access To Massive Movement Makers

Value $1,997

2nd Prize

Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Value $129

3rd Prize

Customized Unicorn Mug And Coaster

Value $59

Your Investment Is Protected By My 60-Day “Free Look” Policy

Here's how it works:

You have a full 60 days to preview "The Video Superstar Bootcamp." 

(That's more than enough time since the training is only 5 days.)

If you decide during that time that "The Bootcamp" is not right for you, or it doesn’t deliver the results you hoped for, just let me know and you'll be issued a full and prompt refund... no questions asked.

I absolutely stand behind this training, but this guarantee is simply for peace of mind, just in case.

In short, you get a great return on your investment, or you get your money back. It's that simple...

What Are You Waiting For?

The only thing standing between you and the success you deserve is a beautiful brand.

So now it’s up to you.

You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of pitching uninterested people, facing lots of frustrating rejection, and taking years to discover the key to building a business that gives you freedom.